.Sunday, July 29, 2007 ' 12:02 AM Y

its cass bday , we went east coast , bt rain .. -.-
den we cycle in the rain . hehhees. aso wen bugis ,

.Saturday, July 28, 2007 ' 12:17 AM Y

.Thursday, July 26, 2007 ' 7:41 PM Y

Sorry for those werid post that was post here...
The password have change...
Hope that you all will ask the password from the person who know it...

.Monday, July 23, 2007 ' 11:06 PM Y



.Wednesday, July 11, 2007 ' 9:55 PM Y

I feel really very sorry for Thaddeus and his family.It was a very shocking news for his family about his death.Nobody ever expected for him to collapse and be pronounced dead, knowing that he was very fit and healthy.But finishing the finish line must have meant alot to him.I was sure he was happy to succeed it.And I am also very sure his family was very proud of him.

His family must know that there much more to life and they should move on.It was God's decision.Nobody could change that.



.Tuesday, July 10, 2007 ' 8:00 PM Y

I feel sympathatic for the person as he still have along way in his future. He died to early as we do not know what his future may reveal. His parents must be really sad but nobody knows how he really died whether it is god fate. I wish he could he live longer as he is still young and he could have a brighter future.


.Monday, July 9, 2007 ' 9:21 PM Y

i really feel very sorry for his friends and family. I also pity them but i hope that they are strong physically and mentally. They should remember the late Thaddeus and accept it as a test and carry on with their lifes

. ' 8:30 PM Y

i feel really sad and great pityness for his friends and family..even though the news came as a shock to his loved ones, i really hope that they will pull through this and move on with their lives..

. ' 8:27 PM Y

I feel sadden for Thaddeus's family and i think that life is really unpredictable .
Being a fit guy , no one thought that Thaddeus would ever collapsed but he did.
His friends and family really love him as shown on their blogs , friendsters and all and it is really touching .

Others should also not take their safety lightly and learn from this i guess.
Well , maybe God has a better place for Thaddeus


. ' 6:29 PM Y

i felt very sorry for him and he should not jus died like that as he still have a lot of work to do and probably he can get a position in world wide and bring us fame in singapore

. ' 5:21 PM Y

I think that it must be shocking for the whole family to find out that their son, Thaddeus, a very healthy and energetic die in race. The father and mother must be very sad that their oldest son who is so smart and sporty to die at such a young age. I feel that it must be very sad to lose such type of enthusiastic and smart person in the world.


. ' 4:45 PM Y

I feel sorry for him as he was still young at the time of his death.His death came as a shock to his family.He was healthy and fit which is why many people were shocked to hear of his death.The medical check ups should be done using better equipment if possible to prevent such accidents to happen


. ' 4:40 PM Y

I think that it is really hard for Thaddeus' family to cope with his departure.He was an excellent triathlete,he could have a bright future if he just didn't die like this.This is a sudden news and I am also shocked and griefed by the death of this national triathlete.At the same time,this tragic incident also reminds all sportmen not to overtrain themselves and during a race,not to overexert too much energy in running.Thaddeus could have prevented his death by not overexerting himself.I hope that all sportmen will now take better care of themselves.


.Sunday, July 8, 2007 ' 11:33 PM Y

i think that it is very saddening and also very sudden. i think it is hard for the family members and his friends to accept the fact tat thaedeus have left and...But i still wondered how and why he just dropped and left, just HOW?? But still...i am bidding farewell to him here...

. ' 11:13 PM Y

Its really sad that thaddeus died so early. His friends and family must be really sad and they must also wonder why he just died like THAT ! I really feel sad for his parents as he was a good boy. I learnt that we should treasure our life and spend it happily everyday.

dioN ,,- xD

. ' 11:05 PM Y

Thaddeus was a fit and healthy person and his death made us, his family and friends shocked. We would not know what will happen to someone even if the person is very healthy and exercise often and Thaddeus is a example. Thaddeus just collapsed after crossing the finishing line. His friends were very sad and posted their feelings on blog. He was a great athelete. He won a lot of medals and cups. It was really a sad news to know that he is dead.

Zhao Hao

. ' 9:07 PM Y

It is so sad that he died so early. Thats a waste for a sports leader like him to pass away at such a young age. If there's a chance for him to reborn, i think that most of us will give him a chance to. All his friends and family members who are close to him will feel very sad and its such a waste for him to leave them.

. ' 8:59 PM Y

I think that I is a tragic that Thaddeus die.He is a clever guy that study in RJC
and a good sportman.He is also a faithful church-goer that never failed to make his friends laugh.His parent should be more careful to prevent the death of
their son and don't make him stress.

wei shan

. ' 8:01 PM Y

It is such a pity that a talented guy like Thaddeus died. Imagine the painful loss that his family and friends are going through now. At the same time, his death still remains a mystery; how can a healthy person like Thaddeus just drop dead at the end of a race? I really feel sad for his family, to me, we should cherish our loved ones now as anything can happen at any time.

. ' 7:47 PM Y

Thaddeus Cheong collapsed after crossing the finish line of a South-east Asia Games selection

race and died. He was a first-year student at Raffles Junior College, swam 1.5 kilometres, cycled

40 kilometres and ran 10 kilometres.Though he wanted to train well for races, he should train

safety and go for a regular health check-up,which investigates for major ailments like cancer so

the check-up is to see whether he is able to handle extreme exercise.I was also sad for his family

as he studied very well and won many medals from the races and he was such a talent.


. ' 4:34 PM Y

i felt sad for that teen triathlete because he had just completed his triathon and he came in third. He should have given up if he cannot take it but he insisted on representing Singapore at the SEA games that he exceeded his limits. If i was his parent, i would also not know that his heart had stopped beating because he had died so suddenly.

Xavier Chua

. ' 4:34 PM Y

i felt sad for that teen triathlete because he had just completed his triathon and he came in third. He should have given up if he cannot take it but he insisted on representing Singapore at the SEA games that he exceeded his limits. If i was his parent, i would also not know that his heart had stopped beating because he had died so suddenly.

. ' 3:22 PM Y

It is impossible for a health and fit person like Thaddeus to die young as we don't know what is going to happened next.It sad that he died young and he is in a good school Raffles Junior College's,all his friends and family will be very sad to have something like this to happened.The only thing they can do is hope that he rest in peace.


. ' 2:34 PM Y

Although it is not impossible for a healthy athlete to die so suddenly, many people, including his friends and family are probably stunned. I am puzzled at why Thaddeus Cheong died so suddenly, but it also shocks me because of how he collapsed so unexpectedly. I also feel sorry for his family and friends who must be grieving over him now. In fact, I think that people, whether athletes or not, should go for a check-up more often to prevent tragedies like that from happening again.

Dawn :)

. ' 1:27 PM Y

Thaddeus is a young, fit,cheerful,caring friend to many people. He never fail to make people laugh. It is such a tragic. He is a very fit and healthy athlete. He brought glorious to Singapore by winning so many medals.
I think that there should be paramedic around when there is race or match. If there is paramedic, this fit,young guy would not have died.

~shu xian~(sx)

. ' 12:18 PM Y

I think the raffles junior college's Thaddeus is too young to die he has finish the race and had a good result. he is just 17 years of age. he couldn't just die like that . His parents will be very upset to hear that their son has died.He has made tremendous achivements in his sports. i think we should just pray that he would rest in peace in heaven.


. ' 12:38 AM Y

I think it is very sad for Thaddeus to die such a young age.he is a cheerful and clever person.NOt every one has the telent to study up to Raflles Junior College .His mother was very sad but luckily she has one more son.I think his friend are all very friendly .They did lots of things to cheer themelf up.The most importent thing is to concentrate on their coming test.

Jia Sheng

.Saturday, July 7, 2007 ' 5:58 PM Y

I felt very upset for Thaddeus. He was such a fit guy. No one expects him to die at such a young age. Life is so unpredictable. We don't know how long we will live in this world. No one can predict the future. Although I don't know Thaddeus,I hope his parents and friends won't grieve too much on it. They still need to get on with thier life. Actually,there should at least be a group of paramedics at the trialathon as trialathon is such a torturous competition and no one knows what will happen,


. ' 4:08 PM Y

I think that it was very sad for Thaddeus Cheong to die at such a young age. He was a healthy lad with lots of friends. His families and friends must be feeling very sad for him. It was probably because he trained too much and did not really get much rest, over-exerted himself and died. ITSS SO SAD!

Sherman Chew ! (24)


. ' 12:58 PM Y

i feel very sad for the guy as he is only 17 years old and had not seen the world.
he just die after running the race which was like so impossible for a healthy person like him.
if he can finish the race why did he die after it? he was a nice person as say by his friends but a nice person like him die so anyone will die anytime so the best thing is to cherish everyone around us and not after they leave or something else...... :(


.Friday, July 6, 2007 ' 10:27 PM Y

In my mind there is only one big yet impactive word , tragedy. His death will imprint a very big memory in many people's mind as he died at a young and sudden death. To me, he may have died of exaustion as like what the newspaper said how a triathlon is like, very tiring and triathletes may push their body over their limit without their own knowledge. At the sight of people from RJC pouring all their sorrows and griefs on blogs and forming a tribute for him, really makes me feel sad. Honestly, the paremadics should do more re gular check- ups for the triathletes.


. ' 9:14 PM Y

I feel very sorry for the family members of Thaddeus Cheong who had just passed away recently. He was such a pride of Singapore by winning lots of gold medals but this was put to an end when he died after swimming 1.5km, cycling 40km and running 10km. He was only a young 17 year old boy who was good at sports and his studies. He was only in Raffles Junior College for less than a year and this had to happen.
No paramedics were there to save this foaming teenager when he needed help the most. I don't think this should happen for there should be paramedics in any type of race just in case if anything goes wrong just like this case. But after this incident, I think more people will show more awareness of their safety while during any sports.
By: Vanessa Cheong (3)
Class: 1E2

. ' 9:10 PM Y

Oh so sad......The person so young then die.....so sad.......Why no body help him???If got maybe he wont die....So pathetic...His family shld be veri sad.......I also very sad........He got so many medals and still young.Still can do so many things but now die already....nth to do liao


. ' 7:44 PM Y

Ii feel very sorry for this incident...
Such a young person and this had to happen...


. ' 7:14 PM Y

The Raffles Junior College Boy's Death was too sudden. He collapsed after a 40Km cycling, 10Km run and a 1.5Km swim. He was only 17 years old. There was no medical team there. There should be a first aid team or so on. If there is a accident, at least there is someone will know how to save the person. This is a tragedy so if there is a marathon or something like this next time, please have a medical team or so on.... Sadx

JeZeBeL.. XD

.Thursday, July 5, 2007 ' 6:45 PM Y

It could be a peaceful Sunday. But an unexpected incident happened. After a 1.5 km swimming, 40km cycling, 10km running, the 17 year old Thaddeus Cheong collapsed. Not long after, he passed away as there was no people who were able to perform CPR for him. I think that the people in charge of this triathlon should have some people who at least know how to perform CPR or any first aid precautions. As there might be such emergencies any time of the triathlon. Due to their negligence, a life is lost. The life lost is such a tragedy, so hereby, I wish that the people in charge for the triathlon to be more alert and prepare for the worst to avoid another life lost.

- xinyu ;D ♥♥

. ' 6:30 PM Y

I feel that the 17 year old triathlete death was a very sad thing to happen. For such a smart boy studying in RJC to die I think that it is really sad. He even did a very good job in the triathalon. NO one would expect that to happen as his body was very fit a the while. No matter what im sure all of us are very sad about Thaddeus death.

By: Ken

. ' 6:21 PM Y

Actually dying in a young age is a very sad thing. He has a bright future but he died too young, if he didn’t die so young, he may be the next champion for the sports. He didn’t enjoy much of his life as he didn’t go though marriage, having his own son and seeing his son grow up. It is really a very bad news for his family members and they really need time to accept it. Even they cried very hard, he would not be alive. And I know it takes some time to accept the death of his family members.

Posted by Jojo Lee(12)


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